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    • #71742
      AvatarNikola Kesler

      I have been having hip and leg pain, particularly when running. I am told I have textbook symptoms for SI Joint misalignment/irritation. It does not hurt much when doing kettlbells or cross fit, but when I run, pain radiates down my leg from my hip. It also feels like my leg might give out or is just wrong when I start running. If I do leg lifts, it feels like I have a pulled muscle in my lower groin/hip area. If I run hard, it is also really painful to walk down stairs the next day.

      I took some time off from running while doing some seated PT exercise that involve a belt around knees and pulling apart and then belt around ankles with ball between knees and pulling ankles apart. I tried running some yesterday and my leg just started hurting again.

      I am 50 and a retired Marine that is trying to take smarter care of himself.

      Has anyone had similar problems and found MWoD videos that specifically open the SI joint? I searched, but it’s overwhelming how many videos and information is out there. My next step is finding a chiropractor or PT that can do manual adjustment, but on a teacher salary, I would rather be able to fix this on my own.

      Thanks in advance for any advice or help. Semper Fi!

    • #76787
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Yes, seeing a practitioner is a good idea to identify exactly what is going on.
      An episode to start with
      Episode 118: SI Area Pain, The Basics
       I’d also take a look at your running technique.
      Did you have the pain when you were not running?
      How you contact the ground plays a big role.
      If the movement pattern causing the issue isn’t addressed the pain will not resolve because the cause is still there.

    • #76788
      AvatarNikola Kesler

      Thank you.  I will start doing some of the recommended mobility exercises today.  If anyone sees any more good videos, please share.  

    • #76791
      AvatarDevin Druivenga

      What is your running form like? If you have poor form, as in overstriding and causing heel strike, you will only aggravate the problem again. I recommend checking out the videos at The Natural Running Center. He has a number of drills to help develop good form

    • #76792
      AvatarNikola Kesler

      Thanks.  I will check out the videos; I am always looking for ways to improve my form running or lifting.  I do CrossFit and try to focus on using the pose form they teach as part of that program.  I ran all last year to include a couple half and one full marathon with no pain or injuries and then all of a sudden this started bothering me.  

    • #76793
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      You could have deviations in technique which weren’t enough to cause anything last year when running, however, overtime there is a cumulative impact. Reaching your tissue tolerance for the deviations in technique results in a game over. Pain starts because the movement pattern has not ideal.
      Drill sessions and completing 1 or 2 drills before a running session helps set up technique for the run.

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