The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Running Running Corrections, Form Critique, Help

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    • #71693
      AvatarCarmen Blanco
      Hi everybody,
      No one ever showed me how to run properly. I’ve been training with weights for about 7 years now and been following MobilityWod for about 1 year now. Basketball was the only running I have ever known. I have read all of Kelley Starrett’s books including Ready to Run and tried to think about some of those principles.
      PLEASE CRITIQUE MY RUNNING FORM. I need all the feedback possible. My girlfriend wants me to do a half marathon with her.
      Thanks! 🙂

      Here is a short 15 second video:

    • #76602
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Are you doing drill work before you run?
      Is there a coach who can do a lesson. teach you some drills?
      You are landing in ahead of your body and on your toes.
      Your leg is out the back.
      Broken at the waist.
      You want to pull your hips through so you can lean and land right under your body.
      Think about pulling your heel to your butt heel lightly touches the ground.
      Some drills to check out
      Pose Running Drills: Lean and Pull
      Running Basics

    • #76603
      AvatarCarmen Blanco


      Oh wow.. I have never done any of the drills in the recommended videos. Hopefully I can make some quick progress. Thanks for your help. Truly appreciate your work on the forums. Feel so horrible that I have neglected this basic human movement for so long..
      Will continue to look for a coach, until then hopefully the community will help out.
      Thanks again,
    • #76605
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Glad to help on it.
      Do one or 2 of the drills at a time. Too much new all at once can be overwhelming.
      This is in line with Ready to Run technique.
      Message or email me questions at anytime, updates, progress, etc.

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