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    • #70835
      AvatarMegan Reilly

      I am a PT student and crossfitter who just strained his hip flexor, or so I think on Friday doing 14.2. I was on my second round of 10 ohs when on the 4th rep I heard my hip make like some crackling noise. I only could do two more reps in the 1 minute I had left. I thought I just cramped or something. So i tried to stretch it right after and mobilize it. It got worse the next morning and there was some pain when I tried getting out of my bed or out of my car in my right hip below my AIIS. It hurts walking sometimes. So yesterday, the day after my 14.2 I tried to voodoo floss it while squating on a rogue monster band to hold me up. I think my ohs was too wide because most crossfit experts told us to have a wider stance. I think I was more quad dominant on this squat especially with my lifters. And I probably didn’t mobilize my hip flexors that day. I don’t have the best air squat because of limited range of motion in my ankles from my previous ankle sprain from basektball (same leg as my strain). I know I have to start from scratch to get my air squat and ankle range of motion better after i get this strain healed. Any ideas on how to approach the strain? should i get it checked out and see PT. 

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