The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Recovering from achilles tendon rupture

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    • #70315
      AvatarKathryn Bloise

      In the beginning of 2013, I tore my achilles tendon and had surgery to repair.  After 12 weeks of serial casting I began PT and the long journey back to “prior level of function”.  4 weeks into PT I partially tore again and had to go back into a cast.  I have 2 weeks left in this thing and I am trying to draw all sources of information/motivation.  

      I read some stuff out there about the pre-injury and preventative steps, but not really anything about the recovery (successful PLOF stories anyway) and that freaks me out.  =/
      So, I’m sitting all day in front of the computer, reading Supple leopard, Just watched the “Jenny LaBaw, Broken Foot, and Return to Sport” episode trying to plan a smart way to “reclaim my mobility” and hopefully physicality.   Wondering if anyone has a “been there, done that – i’m still awesome” experience to share and how they got back to the action?  

      -this site is awesome btw)   

    • #72307

      Another episode to watch
      An MWod Model for Post Surgery/Post Injury Rehab
      Take it each step at a time. It is a process coming back from an injury. Use the time to build a solid foundation to build off of. Use time for skill work and getting things dialed.

    • #72310

      THANKS Kaitlin! 

      It feels good to have an idea what my next plan of action is after I get on 2 feet again!  The template is great! 
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