Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Ready to Run with Duck Feet!!

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    • #71605
      Andrea VanderburgAndrea Vanderburg

      Hi, I’m a total newbie to this community and looking for a bit of help and advice. I started running about 4 years ago and last year was out for about 6 months With ITB type pain in my knee, which I eventually released. It came on again a few months ago and then came across Ready to Run.
      I have quite bad duck feet with classic valgus knees and tight hips. My question is, do I spend my 10-20 minutes a day working a particular standard, for instance neutral feet for several weeks or should I mix it up each day? I’m very much aware that my Glute Meds aren’t firing and are weak and possibly causing the duck feet and knee pain. I have so much to work on I’m blinded as to where i should start.
      Thanks for taking the time to read this and I’d appreciate any advice.

    • #76397
      AvatarKeith Broussard

      Pick 3-4 mobs to do over 10-20 mins. They don’t have to be the same ones every day but use 1-2 mobs to focus on your major issues. Keep in mind duck feet have several contributing factors therefor many mobs can contribute to the fix.

      Use the rest of your mobs on either preparing for what you have coming up for the day or undoing your previous day.

      Just be consitant with doing something every day. You’ll start to learn your body’s needs and wants if you pay attention.

      The two I would program the most often for starting out are couch stretch and gut smash. I try to do those daily but I’m stuck in a car about 8 hrs a day.

    • #76398
      Andrea VanderburgAndrea Vanderburg

      Thank you GarageGymHeroes.

    • #76399
      AvatarKeith Broussard

      You bet good luck!

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