The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General PSOAS pulling on back while stretching leg?

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    • #70281
      AvatarRyan Kerner

      When I am lying down and I bend my left knee towards my chest and stretch it out again i feel a slight pop in my lower back. I feel like there is something tight that is causing this pop. It’s not uncomfortable or painful but it does not happen on the right side which makes me think something is especially tight on the left. Any mwod suggestions to remedy this?

    • #72246
      AvatarKay Heil

      I have a pop that happens all the time but mine has to do with my psoas tendon.  Is it your spin or is it more in your hip?

    • #72247
      AvatarRyan Kerner

      What do you mean by spin? I feel like it is something tight between my hip and lower back which is why I thought psoas. Would love to know what to do about it because although it’s painless now, I think long term it may be an issue.

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