Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Preparing for Crossfit, best mobility workouts to prepare for it?

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    • #71818
      AvatarWacey Connor

      I know this sounds like it isn’t a Mobility WOD question, but let me assure you it is. I am trying to preapre for Crossfit, I want to compete in a year. What is best Mobility workout for someone who has never started doing circuits for Crossfit? 

    • #77018
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Have you started CrossFit?
      Have you identified mobility restrictions and/or limitations?
      Getting started is key. As you are training you’ll identify mobility restrictions/limitations.

      14-Day Mobility Challenge | 7 Green Lights is one starting point.
      14-Day Mobility Challenge | 7 Green Lights | Day 1
      This series uses the archetypes to give the end range of the most functional positions your body should be able to attain. The 14 day challenge spends 2 days in a row on each fundamental/archetypal/essential principled positions and shows how to mobilize them.  The seven green light give the bookends of what full range of motion are.
      The archetypes represent the start position and finish position shapes for nearly every formal & freestyle movements. Fundamental/essential building blocks.

    • #77020
      AvatarWacey Connor

      Thank you for your help !!! I appreciate it 🙂 

    • #77022
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Glad to help

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