The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Post Knee Arthroscopy joint swelling “fluid” removal

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    • #71082
      AvatarHollis Rudiger

      6 weeks ago I had a piece of torn Meniscus removed from my knee.  I followed the surgeons rules for post-op rehab.  Ice, Anti-inflammatory, elevation.  It all worked great until I actually needed to go to work after a week rest.

        I am having a hard time getting the swelling down on my knee.  I do foam roll religiously to keep tissues moving.
        I have been looking a lot at the articles about not to ice.  I have actually purchased a Marc Pro to see if that would help.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to remove the swelling?
      Thank you
    • #75146

      Great to hear you purchased a Marc Pro to help with your recovery.
      Do you feel you would benefit from increased circulation and evacuation of fluid that is built up in your knee or other areas?
      Mobilizing above and below would be wise in conjunction. Test and retest
      on everything. 
      If it doesn’t then the issue may need professional
      Email me [email protected] and we can look at your recovery plan.
      Look forward to helping you with this.

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