Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Partial tear of supraspinatus tendon….info please

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    • #71683
      AvatarChris Hintz

      I just had an MRI a few days ago and was told I have a partial tear of my supraspinatus tendon.  I haven’t seen an ortho yet, but was wondering about the reality of surgery vs exercises in terms of total healing.  I injured myself while in school for massage therapy and although it is much better than it was initially, I still have difficulty when I try to do deep tissue massages.  Just want to know the pros and cons of each, with/without surgery.  Also, can anyone give me the approximate “down time” if you do have the surgery?  Thanks

    • #76700
      AvatarTom Matchinsky

      Down time would be significant. I would start with getting massage from a colleague regularly along with some targeted shoulder strength work that is pretty static in nature. Go with hanging to tolerance from a pull up bar (scrap it if it is too aggravating) along with waiters walks, farmers walks, and partial turkish get ups and arm bars. You can use dumbbells or kettlebells for any of these. The tissues have to be systematically loaded to tolerance to heal properly. With consistent work you can likely avoid surgery. Find a PT or someone near you who is proficient in the use of kettlebells or training. Use the MWOD list on the site, it is free to use.

      Travis Jewett
      MWOD Staff
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