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    • #70466
      AvatarKyle Magwood

      Hi All,

      New here after much lurking.
      I have a strange one which I can’t figure out nor can my Chiro.  
      When I bench or do ring dips, right when I start to lower the weight, I get a very painful sprain like feeling in my left arm.  Unlike more common elbow pain, this is up toward my tricep on the inside.  This pain only manifests when I move something heavy (for me).  For example, I might be able to bench 155lb’s 100 times without issue, but if I move to 200lb, the pain shows up and is extreme to the point where I can’t do even a single rep.  That said, If I immediately back off off to 155lb, I’m ok again.
      Lately, its getting a bit worse and starting to show up at lower weights, even impacting push ups.   Oddly, I can push press all year long, but can’t behind the neck press – something about the angle tweaks it.
      Present thought is that it’s scar tissue from an unremembered old injury and I’ve done some graston work to try and remedy, but so far no change.
      Wondered if it sounded like anything particular to folks here?
      Thanks much,
    • #72752

      Sounds like a technique issue or load ordering issue.
      Are your shoulders starting an in an optimal stable position?
      At lighter weights your body is able to buffer the deviation in technique. Your body is able to buffer anything for a time until it can’t any longer. No warning just can’t do it. 200 may be the limit of your body’s ability to buffer the error.
      Push ups are the same shape movement as a bench. Not uncommon that they are both impacted.
      Episode 310: Load Ordering the Chesticles, Dipping and Pressing Part 1
      Episode 310: Load Ordering the Chesticles, Dipping and Pressing Part 2
      Open and Closed Torque Systems
      Pro Episode # 41 – The Front Rack Archetype, Torque Demands, and Principled Movement
      Pressing Mechanics and The Knee Pushup Up Disaster/Froning and Bailey Edition

      Scar tissue could be an impacting factor. The supernova is a great tool in working with breaking up scar tissue.

    • #72759
      AvatarKyle Magwood

      Thanks Kaitlin.  I think my form is ok, but will definitely read/view the links you suggested.

      Appreciate it!
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