Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Elbow Pain in elbow when griping

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    • #71914
      AvatarMichael Griffin

      I work as a welder do a lot of grinding gripping lifting moving heavy metal objects. We did a lot of grinding on this job and I have pain in my forearm and in the elbow. Yesterday I had to grab and move a large object from a awkward position and now. I have pain even trying to zip up my jacket. Making a fist lightly sends sharp pain from the elbow tendon down the forearm. How can I best rehab this?

    • #77263
      AvatarKathleen Ward

      I had similar forearm paid

      get a voodoo wrap and follow the approach – I found relief!
    • #85939
      AvatarJoe Wilson

      Test comment.

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