Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Pain in adductor and pubic area

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    • #71712
      AvatarDamien Walsh

      Hi everyone! About 5 months ago I noticed my left adductor feeling overworked so I laid off running but kept working to pay the bills.while walking about a month ago I noticed a shooting pain reach my pubic bone and since the I’ve had a hard time walking.feels like strings are pulling in my adductor.sotting bursts a lot and I noticed that my hips aren’t balanced anymore but when I try to straighten my posture it hurts my pubic area.im so affraid and can’t see a doctor for another two or 3 weeks.if anybody has an idea it helps thanks

    • #76672
      AvatarDamien Walsh

      Sitting hurts not sotting bursts

    • #76677
      AvatarTyler Olivares

      Can you post a picture of your posture from the side and front views? 

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