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    • #70956
      AvatarAlexander Tilney

      I have been getting a pain in my 4th toe while running anything over 1.5 miles. It feels like a tendon popping over a bone or something. It has done this for over a year now. I tried getting a lax ball into my arch but didn’t help. It will also do it sometimes when walking up a hill.

      Could this possibly be due to a lack of extension in my toes? I watched the webinar on the feet, so I am trying to work on my lower leg, ankles and feet.


    • #74681

      Have you had anyone look at your running mechanics?
      It may be how/where you are striking the ground.

    • #74787
      AvatarKatie Hemphill

      Hey Drew,

      Is this on the top of the foot, or the bottom of the foot? 
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