Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder PaIn and weakness in shoulder after soft tissue mobilization

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    • #71527
      AvatarAdam Jaime

      Hi, I was experimenting with soft tissue release on my right shoulder and scapula where there were many tender areas I went over. But I think i may have dug into my rotater cuff too much because now I have extreme soreness and weakness in that shoulder. Is it possible I could have damaged some tissues ? And any tips to avoid this next time I try to do soft tissue in the back of the shoulder I’m a little afraid to go hunting back there again. Thanks


    • #76289
      AvatarNathanael Alexander

      1.Injury/surgery background?

      2.What did you exactly do that caused you pain?

      3.How long have you been experiencing pain?
      4.How did it start(sudden pain during the mob, pain that started after you finished it? etc) What pain is it on a scale 1-10?

      5.How do you experience weakness? How long have you been experiencing weekness after the incident?

      I am not qualified enough(yet!) to give u answer ,but I think these are key questions to ask, and you can get answers from other people easier.


    • #76290
      AvatarAdam Jaime

      Its been 9 days since but the pain weakness has eased up. I think I used too hard of a ball and too much pressure which made my muscles tighten up and then they started to spasm. Its still tender to the touch but I had some muscle relaxers that seems to help a lot. I think next time im using the wall instead of the floor and being more mindful not to go into the pain cave! Thanks for the reply


    • #76291
      AvatarNathanael Alexander

      Yeah my man, you should never force it too much as you stated. dont go into the pain cave probably 5/10 on the pain scale is the maximum you should do as someone new to soft tissue mobs. With time you will feel whats “good” pain and whats not so you can experiment with the maximum 7/10.

      If you never did such things maybe start with a softer foam roller and yoga tuneup ball, or even a tennis ball , not the lacrosse ball, gemini, battlestar and the harder items. With some mobilizations you can just use the wall for a while even tho its not the same because you cant just relax yourself into the ball that much and you have to be conscious about your posture which is sometimes hard when you are a newbie and experiencing pain. With the minority of the mobs wall works better.

      One thing that you have to make sure is to always breath consciously. Deeply in to your abdomen then let it go( reading again the diaphragmatic breathing part in SuppLeo cant do harm 😉 ). Without proper breathing technique you just make the soft tissue work useless. Some visualization clues are good too like imagine yourself sinking into the ball with every exhale try to relax that specific area etc.

      So my recommendation:
      1. use the rule pain <6out of 10.
      2. use softer items for a while
      3. make sure you use proper breathing technique
      4. use visualization

    • #76292
      AvatarNathanael Alexander

      PS: make sure you dont hit areas hard where theres a nerve.

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