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  • Author
    • #70273
      AvatarJean-Michel Brunet

      Hi all
      Last week I over stretched my throat and neck. The discomfort did not go away
      And its hard to swallow or breath. Concentration is pretty much out of the window and life quality in general went way down
      When i was stretching my neck, i felt that there was a vein that i was pulling and my throat the same thing.
      The next day, my whole neck, back and throat is tight to the point where it was miserable feeling.
      I kept using a ball on my back and upper back and it is less tight now, but i still cannot breath properly and overall hell.
      Went to a physio and he did not know what to do about my throat.
      Any Suggestions

    • #72216

      Perhaps you need to see a different type of doctor.

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