The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder One shoulder lower than the other

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    • #71840
      AvatarZiv Pollak


      I have been suffering with an issue where one shoulder (my right) is lower than the other (my left). I have had this issue now for over 6 months which is causing pain into my lats, upper back and neck. The pain is dull throughout the majority of the day and can become severe when I overdo push ups (high volume) or lift heavy weight overhead.
      What I’m currently doing but to no real avail:
      Smashing Chest, Lats, and first rib whilst playing  around with overhead positions
      Thoracic mobility- stretching
      Elbow flares (help lift shoulder for some time but ultimately drop back down)
      OH Shrugs
      Wall Slides
      Deep neck flexor work
      I don’t know what else to do? I’m lost on this one and any any help is greatly appreciated.
    • #77094
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      I’d recommend seeing someone to determine the cause, exactly what is going on, and make a plan to address it. You’ve taken a crack at it, however, not seeing change. Shoulders and or hips could be out of alignment.
      Identifying the cause will help to resolve the situation.

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