The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General One shoulder back too far on snatch – what’s up with that?

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    • #70530
      AvatarGeorge McLaney

      Hello all. I’m working on the snatch balance w/ my Olympic lifting coach and she has noticed that when I drop under the bar/push the arms out and up into overhead position, my left side looks OK. However the right side is further back, primarily at the shoulder, so the bar is twisted overhead. Any ideas on what to hit to even out overhead position? I’ve tried anterior shoulder/chest, scapular banded retraction etc, but it’s still wonky. Could it be first rib or the top of the lat that’s to blame?

      Thanks in advance. 
    • #72997

      It could be.
      It may not be a mobility issue.
      It could be a motor learning issue.
      Do you understand& are able to replicate the snatch position?

    • #73008
      AvatarGeorge McLaney

      Thanks for the reply, Kaitlin. Yes, I understand the motion and am fine w/ a dumbbell snatch…the issue just shows up on the overhead component w/ a bar. 

    • #73018

      One place to look is at your spine.
      If you are disorganized at the spine shoulder function is decreased.
      Missing external rotation on one side could be the issue.

    • #73046
      AvatarGeorge McLaney

      I’ll put the Gemini to work on the T-spine. Thanks Kaitlin. 

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