Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Numbness after Shoulder Capsule Mobilization

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    • #71260
      AvatarAlex Daubon

      The following shoulder capsule mobilization (with a kettlebell or dumbell): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0Elx93duAA
      sometimes causes numbness in my left arm – in my left fingers, hand, forearm, or shoulder. Sometimes a mix. I’ve had shoulder surgeries on both my left and right shoulders – my last one was 2 years ago, an arthroscopic clean-up.

      Should I never do them? What is causing numbness, how can I move past it?

    • #75747

      Sounds like you are hitting a nerve. Usually the case with numbness.
      With numbness you should not continue doing it. The numbness is letting you know something is wrong.
      Could be positioning

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