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    • #70293
      AvatarMartin Repcek

      I was going to post this as a comment to today’s MWOD Pro video but this forum is probably more suitable. 

      After not seeing change I was about to write this exact same user request myself. I’ve got pretty much the same symptoms all the way down to the big toe. I fixed my left shoulder (frozen shoulder?) in about 2 days, my right hip in a couple months (at least 90% fixed), but the damn ankle ROM has eluded me for well over a year now. I’ve smashed, rolled, flossed, stretched, massaged, and sheared all the beef jerkied tissues in my right leg and foot and nothing ever sticks. One minute I can feel like a supple leopard, the next everything is frozen solid. I work at this every day. My foot is kind of stuck in a high arch position such that when my foot tripod is flat against the ground my tibia is angled inward causing RGIII knee. My arch does NOT collapse so that is not the cause of my knee going in. I have an idea of what is structurally wrong with my foot. The back of my heel is being pulled inward, talus is being wedged up in the front, and something is pushing out on my cuboid. When I try manipulating the calcaneus to match the position of my left foot I do much better in ankle ROM. I feel tightness around the medial malleolus and pinching at the front of the ankle.  
      My test to gauge my progress is walking down stairs. Keeping the heel down on the left foot while reaching down to the next step with the right foot is no problem. Standing on the right foot, keeping heel down and reaching down to the next step with the left foot is nearly impossible. Unless I let my knee go valgus like in this YouTube video.
      Anyone got some tips as to what I might be missing? I’ve got x-rays of all the joints involved but they don’t really show anything out of the ordinary. At least nothing to indicate normal hip/knee/ankle function is an impossible task. From working with a DPT I know my right glute medius is weak too and I’ve been working on that.
    • #72258
      AvatarMartin Repcek

      I might be onto something here… I think I have a “full body torsion” for lack of a better term. I think if you were looking at me from above you might find that I have a clockwise twist to my body. This is a theory I’ve had for a couple years now. I did a test earlier today where I would stand a couple feet from a wall with back toward the wall then see how far I could turn my body left then right. I had a much easier time turning to the right than left. 

      Spent a little more time on my stair test. I found if I concentrate on pushing the left side pelvis forward as the left foot reaches down to the next step I magically gain some ROM in my right ankle. When I stand up “straight” I think my right side pelvis is in a more forward position than the left side. I don’t know if this is necessarily the same thing as pelvic tilt. Seems to me this alignment problem would mean my left foot has farther to reach to get down to the next step than the right foot would.
      In any case, I know I have a couple more things to work on. 
    • #72558
      Avatar[email protected]

      There should be more comments here!  Jesse, how is it going?

    • #72562

      It sounds like you are going after symptoms and hitting the cause of the issue.
      You need to address the cause of the problem for lasting change.
      You are seeing the issue at your ankle, but it may originate up/down stream of your ankle.
      This hit other things that could be impacting the situation:
      Episode 54: Pinchy Ankles and Weak Feet
      Squat Quick Test: Is it your Ankles or Hips?
      Episode 141: Professional Ballet Dancer Calves and Ankles
      Case Study: Tight Ankles = Bad Squatting
      Free Your Heel, Free Your Mind
      Ankle Positional Fault Fix: Jill Miller Style
      Episode 318: Knee Pain On Stairs or Hills

      Have you identified the cause of your knee going in?
      It may be a situation that would prove beneficial to get ti checked out especially where you aren’t seeing any change with it.
      Episode 128: The Pelvic Fault and Back Pain
      Torque and Trunk Stability Part 1: How to Stand
      Contract your glutes to set your pelvic position.

    • #72563
      AvatarTyler Lindon

      Very interested in how your story unfolds.  I’m faced with a similar problem and am addressing it with chiropractic care(L5 constantly twisted) along with a stiff cervical spine + orthotics.  I’m only in my first week and have noticed some pretty cool changes so far.  The plan is not to depend on orthotics but rather let them assist in creating balance while building some new neural pathways for muscles use.  All the smashing seems to be having a greater effect because the inserts allow my body to come off tension for most of the day giving those tissues a chance to repair, instead of turning back on full the moment I sit up, stand, walk, run, or do anything.

      Unwinding the torsion is what I hope I’m doing.  In my opinion, this goes way beyond basic maintenance and into the realm of a “condition” that must be cured.  Your brain is going to win the battle for control and your neural net is probably as jacked as mine.
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