Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Newbie – A few questions

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    • #71563
      AvatarSimon Ammann

      Mwod friends,

      This is a welcome to you all, I put up a post regarding my potential labral tear in my hip, and tendinosis in my patellar earlier on this week. Having done quite a bit of research on this site and reading Becoming a SL book, I have found quite a lot of good info. 
      So I think I have the basics, patellae tendinosis can be due to tight quads, walking like a duck and poor dorsiflexion in the foot. I have the first two of them problems. A labral tear of the hip is due to overuse of the hip joint in poor positions. I would appreciate it if any of the knowledgable could correct me if I am wrong!
      So my questions are as follows, in order to correct these problems I will be dealing with my spine first and foremost. Then smashing my quads, stretching out my hip joint in order to increase mobility around that area. Massaging the glutes in various different ways in order to sort the ‘duck feet’ out. With all of these different methods of correcting my issues how often should I be doing them, daily, twice daily or not that often? I haven’t really been able to find out any of that information through research.
      Secondly, I will be using this website and reading Starrett’s book, trying to find a self fix for these issues of mine. I am a Royal Marine in the UK and looking to get back to full fitness. I am wondering if anybody has any other good sources of information for me?
      Many thanks guys, I would appreciate your replies even if its just a hello 🙂 
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