The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General New to mobilityWod….where to start

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    • #70487
      AvatarVince Catalano

      I am new to mobilityWod and new to even trying to become more mobile. I have been going to crossfit for about a year, though sporadically. I am increasing my consistency and I want to start working on overall mobility. I occasionally deal with lower back pain in my back on my lower right side right at the glute. I would like to address that but really just constantly work towards becoming more mobile in all areas. I have always felt like I am not very “flexible”( I suppose the correct all encompassing term is mobility), but crossfit has shown me how bad I really am.

      So, with all that being said, where do I start? I signed up for mwod Pro to get the daily rx, but I think what I really need is to start at episode one from the archives and move forward.  I would also like someone to just tell me what gear I need. I have 4 bands(black, purple, green and red), but pretty much nothing else for mobility.
    • #72814


      Welcome to MWOD. 
      In terms of where to start the daily Rx is a great place. Try doing it every day for a month and see how you feel. I would also recommend using your squat, DL position and HS push up or press as a test/retest. By this I mean perform a squat, do some mobility drills and re-test it after. If your squat feels better than you are doing the right stuff. If it feels the same than move on to a different mobilization. 
      In terms of equipment, it sounds like you have enough bands. Get yourself a lax ball, make a peanut or buy a gemini and get some voodoo bands. 
      If you really want a more in-depth understanding of these concepts, I would recommend buying Kelly’s book and reading it over.
      Take care,
      MWOD Coach
    • #72815
      AvatarVince Catalano

      Thanks for the information Danny. I do have BSL and have been reading it a little at a time – alot of info to digest.

      So you are saying I should not start from the beginning of the archived episodes? Go ahead and start with the Daily RX episodes?
    • #72817

      You can start from the beginning if you want. There really is no bad place to start. The important part is that you are starting. 

      Take care,
      MWOD Coach
    • #72818

      You can start from the beginning and see each concept/aspect as it was introduced and when equipment was introduced through the Year of Mobility and beyond. This can help with your understanding of concepts/ideas because you will view all of the episodes in the order they were presented.

      I would highly recommend attending a Movement and Mobility Seminar. This is an outstanding day that really adds another dimension to understanding and gives you hands on time working with different mobilizations.

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