Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Needing constant mobility work

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    • #71640
      AvatarJacqui Snyder

      Hi, i constantly have to work my whole body with rollers, balls (smash and floss), and strentching to reamin pain free. Mostly pain free. Much more than 15 min a day. So much so that ive given up on working out. Im 38 and dont think thats so old i should feel this way but i feel like it is “phisically”. Has anyone experianced this and have you overcome it?

    • #76467
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      You need to change your focus.
      Mobilizing your whole body everyday is a huge task.
      Instead determine what will have the biggest result and address that first.
      Start with the spine, then move to the big engines of the hip and shoulder.
      These are the big 3 to start with.

      Having a more focused approach will help you spend quality time addressing the focus areas for that day.
      Doing a couple minutes on alot of different items/areas may not be enough time to start seeing change.
      You want to keep it to a max of 3 items per day.

      You want to keep movement within your schedule. Movement is key.
      Working non exercise movement (changing positions, fidgeting, taking a walk around your work area, etc) will help too.

      Yes, this will get resolved. It may take time, however, start chipping away at it.
      I’d recommend watching the webinars too.

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