The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Narrowing of the lateral aspect of the subacromial space suggestive of rotator cuff tear

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    • #71100
      AvatarChris Puyear

      Hi there. I have been diagnosed with the above and have right shoulder pain and limited internal rotation. Despite attending physic, there has been virtually no improvement and I will now have to see a Muscular Skeletal Surgeon for further treatment.

      Can anyone offer any advice, routines or exercise to help with the situation please?
      Thanks in anticipation
    • #75189

      Are you working to improve your internal rotation?
      What are you currently doing?
      Are you seeing any improvements?

    • #75190
      AvatarChris Puyear

      Hi Kaitlin, Thank you for taking the time to reply. I underwent extensive physiotherapy for several months and some minor improvement was noticed. However there came a point when no further advance was being made. The physiotherapist advised me to stop the exercises that I was given and I was sent for an X-Ray. I received the results of the X-Ray last week and I am now waiting a complete scan of my shoulder and an appointment with a Muscular Skeletal Surgeon.

      I have re-joined Mobilty-WOd to seek out advice on anything that may improve or heal my right shoulder.
      Thank you
    • #75192

      Have you thought about getting a second opinion?
      Are you doing anything to address the situation currently?
      Addressing the limited internal rotation?

    • #75198
      AvatarChris Puyear

      Hi Kaitlin

      Once again thank you for your reply. I have an appointment with a Muscular Skeletal Surgeon next Thursday. I am currently not undertaking and work on my shoulder until I have spoken with the Surgeon next week. 
      I came on ere for advice and suggestions regarding addressing the limited internal rotation and what to do in the event of a rotator cuff tear.
      Many thanks 
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