The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General MWOD mobilizations list/cheat sheet?

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    • #70241
      AvatarKyle Rota

      I’m curious if anyone has a cheat sheet/quick reference list of all the mwod mobilizations. I have the book, but the exercises are spread over many dozens of pages, I’m looking more for a quick concise few page list I can quickly scan over like a menu to construct my daily routine, similar to the MobilityWOD posters, but a digital version I can have on my phone when I’m at the gym (I’d rather not carry 5 giant posters to the gym). Has anyone created/seen anything like this? Maybe Kelly would be interested in selling a digital version of the posters? I’d definitely purchase it. 

    • #72090

      Have you asked your gym about displaying the posters at the gym?
      Chances are you aren’t the only member who would find it helpful to have the posters available.

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