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  • Author
    • #71240
      AvatarTony Mason

      My left calf has been tight for the last 3 weeks or so after BJJ. We do a fair bit of running on wrestling mats so I think no big deal. Last night at Crossfit we do a 200 meter warm up run and about 20 meters in my left calf becomes painful, pulled muscle. I have watched the anti-icing videos and understand no ice. What is the current protocol for treating the pull/strain?

    • #75702

      Restoring the sliding surfaces

    • #75706
      AvatarNathan Richer

      hmm sitting here waiting for kaitlin to come back and finish her post lol, i remembered this MWOD PRO video:

      although it is about the shoulder, it could be a good reference for your rehab with its general concepts.
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