The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Elbow Monkey Bars, Elbow Tweak, & Voodoo Band

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    • #70560
      John WilliamsJohn Williams

      I tweaked the posterolateral part of my elbow last night; that underside/outside area where the triceps and some forearm muscles attach.  (See the pic for approximate location).

      I was going from bar to bar on a set of monkey bars we have in our crossift gym.  On one of the transitions I loaded my elbow more than I should of and felt the tweak.  No audible popping or anything like that but definitely an event where I knew there was a tweak.
      No swelling or redness the pain ranges from a 2.5 to 6 mostly hovering in the 3-4 range.  I’m thinking this is a mild sprain/strain (of something down there) but a little hypochondriacally worried that it’s something worse.  
      My questions are:
      1) Should I ice?  I know that recently mWod said no icing.
      2) Should I be doing voodoo stuff on it or wait till the pain subsides.
      3) Any thoughts on what I actually did?
      4) Typing irratates it is it better to have elbows with less or more of a bent angle (less being straighter, more being more bent)   
      Will definitely be taking it easy despite the Lurong Challenge.  Hopefully can do stuff on monday/tuesday next week.  
      Any thoughts/comments etc.. will be most appreciated. 
    • #73104

      No you should not be icing. There are 2 mwods that address the reasons why.
      People, We’ve Got to Stop Icing. We Were Wrong, Sooo Wrong.
      Community Video – Peoples, We’ve Got to Stop Icing. A Year Later….
      Another resource on it ICED
      An episodes that hits on typing
      Episode 170: Death by desk? More powerful typing
      There are alternative methods to icing that you can utilize.
      You can voodoo floss if it doesn’t bother you.

    • #74125
      AvatarKatheryn Cabrera

      Good job Kaitlin…you did not answer his question AT ALL

    • #74128

      Pretty sure I did and gave resources on changed thinking about icing.
      And an episode that addresses typing which is something he said bothers it.

    • #74140
      AvatarDaniel Carpenter

      Wow! Being wrong and rude at the same time, you must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed Joe. Feel better soon. 

      Really though, what I don’t understand is why Jacob went through the time to create this post (screenshot and all) instead of typing the words “ice” “typing” etc in the search. 
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