Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General MOBs you can do in your cube at work

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    • #70703
      AvatarJ Myers

      Like many others I have a blog (actually a few) that act as a study journal and a personalize bookmarking service. If you haven’t tried it you should. It’s a great way to share info with likeminded folks that stumble on to it and you’ll find your notes are much more meaningful when you think someone else might read them –– even if they never do. So I’ve been working on ways to mobilize throughout the day, while at work and in everyday life. I thought I’d share some of my finds in hopes that some of you would share in return. 

      First, when you arrive at work as early as I do (6am) you can do just about anything that doesn’t involved laying of the floor without being to creepy. I typically save the strangest looking stuff for that early morning time.

      • First rib smashing with a lacrosse ball against the wall
      • Campfire pose for ankle range of motion
      • Opening the hips on my desk with foot on desk and pushing out

      Once the morning crowd starts to show up with their Starbucks in hand I switch the MOBs up to simpler and more incognito type things. 

      • Smashing the bottom of the feet with a lacrosse ball
      • Sitting on the edge of my desk with a lacrosse ball hitting the high hammies
      • Ball against the wall for hips and back

      Much of this depends on your cube set-up and cube mates . I’m lucky enough to have a huge pillar in my cube that everyone else was trying to avoid when we made our last office move. For me, I saw an opportunity to mobilize while at work.

      Does anyone else Mobilize at work? What are your tips? 

      p.s. How awesome would this be for an office: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3023162/at-this-coworking-space-in-a-climbing-gym-you-can-do-pull-ups-at-your-standing-desk?partner=newsletter#5

    • #73727

      What is the campfire pose?

    • #73729
      Avatar[email protected]

      I’ve got my own office, and people are walking by quite often. 

      So I don’t get to fancy but with a standing desk I normally put the chair behind me and try to do an informed freestyling version of the couch stretch. 
      Other options I do are when reading stuff I sit down in my chair put the foot up over my knee and press the knee (on the leg that foot connects) down and try to mobilize external rotation hip. 
      My favourite is for thoracic spine, I just put my hands (palms down) on my desk, like somewhere between jerkgrip and snatchgrip and just lean forward pushing head through.
      You can also try to turn the palms out which will get the chest a bit aswell. 
    • #73741
      AvatarJ Myers

      Hey Jake,

      It’s the 10 minutes ankle mobility test. Where you sit with your feet fist length apart pointing forward> Your crouched down as far as you can go (like a pike minus the leg out) and leaning a bit forward. Maybe I made that name up? 
    • #73747
      AvatarJ Myers


      Nice, I’ll have to get some of those into the mix. You might be able to just keep a LAX ball under table to work on the feet but otherwise it might be worse to be in an office than in a cube when it comes to this. I’m excited to see what Kelly has in his new book when it comes out. 
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