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    • #70246
      AvatarLevi Mező

      Ive decided that the area I have to work on is my squat range of motion 

      problems exist in my ankles and hips and possibly lower back and psoas  (Someone chime in if im missing anything crucial for squat depth)
      ill be working from the supple leopard book and the MWOD youtube exercises 
      my main question is, where in the day should I be doing the bulk of the mobilizing ?
      I work out early morning..  Starting with a 15 minute warm up .. Should this involve any Mobilization stuff ? 
      Then i perform the workout 
      Then 10 – 15 of cool down stretch   <

      Should this be where the bulk of the Mob’s happen ? 
      If i do 20 minutes of mobilizing these areas at night after work – separate from a workout, will the benefits flow on to the following morning ? 
      Any input is appreciated 
      Thanks for reading guys
    • #72111

      You can include some mobility elements in your warm up, but not in place of warming up.
      You’ll want to leave anything that hits deep for after your workout.
      Start with addressing the hip.
      Yes, you can do mobility following your workout or at a completely different time.
      You can hit different things at different time throughout the day.
      As you are working with an area you will see the benefits last longer. In the beginning the change may not last as long as you think it should. As you work with it and your body learns the new position/movement pattern it will stay longer. After things get worked out and the area isn’t as tight any longer it will be more maintenance and staying on top of it.

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