The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Massive pain and loss of function after flossing

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    • #2362273
      AvatarRafał D

      I tried floss tape above the knee as demonstrated by Kelly in the video. I’m not injured, just tired after training.

      Immediately I felt burning in my calf and foot, sort of like after doing lots of reps of an exercise. I moved around for 30-60 seconds and the burning was too much, I took the tape off, even though there was no tingling or paleness setting in yet.

      The burning pain in my calf and foot persisted after taking the tape off. 15 minutes later I’m still in pain. My leg is much more weak and clumsy than before.

      What’s going on there? Have I done any serious damage? Have I done anything wrong or does my body just react badly to flossing the quads?

      • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by AvatarRafał D.
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