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    • #191790
      AvatarKevan Todd


      Having back pain and lordosis I’m looking at getting this fixed. I see there is a lower back protocol course but I was wondering if this includes any exercises that aren’t included in TRS app under the specific mobilisations or of it’s something for people that aren’t members of TRS?

    • #191930
      Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

      Hi Kevan,
      The Low Back Pain Protocol is intended for those who are TRS members and those who may not be TRS Members yet.
      Yes, there is additional content from what is included within the pain section of the app. I think that is what you are referring to on the app.

      It is a systems approach and addresses understanding more about low back pain, why this condition can develop, creates behavior that optimizes healing, improve mechanics, prevent this from reoccurring, and addressing some environmental factors.
      Learning methods to desensitize, to restore normal function, and to prevent future occurrence.

      Another option is Back To The Barbell with Danny Matta
      Some focuses of this program are: “Get strength back in the right places, get mobility back in the right places and improve your movements over the course of 6 weeks.”
      Both are solid programs to address back pain.

      Hope this helps.

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