The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Loss of grip strength in left forearm

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    • #70529
      AvatarHayden Stoebener

      My forearms have been pretty junky for the last couple of weeks so I’ve been trying to do more mobility especially since I’m quite certain I have tennis elbow from copious amounts of pullups, kettlebell swings etc. My question is…would loss of forearm strength result from simple muscle tightness or could it also stem from tight scalenes? My neck and upper back area have also been fairly tight so I’ve been trying to use a single lax ball or peanut to try and break all of these knots up. Can tight scalenes impair nerve function? Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter! It’s frustrating when I try to deadlift and my left arm holds onto the bar for maybe 2-3 seconds.

    • #72996

      Scalenes can have referred pain through the upper back, chest, the arm, and hand.
      It originates in the neck and radiates down the arm.
      Seriously. Do This Yesterday. One of My All Time Shoulder Fixes
      Episode 129: The Twin Bowstrings, the Psoas and Scalenes

    • #73000
      AvatarThomas Seay


      The brachial plexus (the bundle of nerves that supplies the arm, forearm, and hand) travels between the anterior and middle scalenes before diving under the clavicle and heading to the axilla (armpit) and into the arm. These nerves can be compressed at several places along their course including the areas where they pass through the scalenes and where they pass under the pectoralis minor. An elevated 1st rib or accessory (extra) rib can also cause compression of these nerves. The condition is known as thoracic outlet syndrome and it should be relatively easy for you to find more information about this online. Please note that there are a great number of other conditions that can cause a loss of grip strength and not all of them are muscular or myofascial. If your symptoms are worsening despite your efforts, it may be time to find a qualified physician or physical therapist (preferably one with some knowledge of strength and conditioning and who understands your training goals)
      Brian Bochette, PT, CSCS
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