The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Looking for a good trainer in NYC

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    • #70965
      AvatarElizabeth Getz

      I wonder if anyone has any advice for me. I’m returning from a depression fracture injury to the right knee/tibia and have an ongoing ac joint problem.

      I’m hoping to find a strength and conditioning coach in or nearby to manhattan who will be able to program around the injuries and my own physiotherapy rehab exercises.

      I’m a high level circus acrobat who’s physicality and body is their career, so I’m very interested in making sure I get a quality coach.

      At help is welcome. Thanks a lot all and happy training!

    • #74704
      AvatarNathan Richer

      Keith Wittenstein at Crossfit Virtuosity is your man.

    • #74707

      Keith is no longer at CrossFit Virtuosity
      Message me your email and I can put you in contact with him.

    • #74715
      AvatarNathan Richer

      oops! but their website still has his pic on the team page….

    • #74717

      It may be, but he left a couple months ago.
      Believe he traveling more with the Level 1 seminar staff.

    • #74734
      AvatarNathan Richer

      a buddy of mine worked with Keith a few months back. i think he contacted CF Virtuosity to get hold of him. perhaps he will be in town for a bit to work with folks.

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