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    • #70228
      Avatar[email protected]

      Hey all,

      Sorry if I´m about to ask a silly question, but hey, better to ask.  So I´ve started working on my mobility and flexibility.  I´ve done the first three episodes, and now Kstar has warned me I need three lacrosse balls and a jump stretch band.  Unfortunately, I live in Spain and lacrosse balls, well…impossible.  All I can find is ones made out of PVC, so pretty much solid.  Anyway, I´m thinking of steeling my dog´s toy, a Kong ball.  A solid rubber ball about 2.5 – 3 inches across.  Will that work?

    • #72049

      Yup. No need to overcomplicate it.

    • #72050
      AvatarJames Elwin

      A tennis ball is also a good alternative although obviously won’t provide as much pressure as a lacrosse ball.

    • #72051

      You can use a field hockey ball or a softball

    • #72052
      AvatarKayla Obrien

      A jai-alai ball?

    • #72053
      AvatarKeith Broussard

      Another great alternative is a hibounce Pinky balls. They are oddly similar to the yoga tuneup balls

    • #72055
      AvatarJake Williams

      You can use a tennis ball or put 2 tennis balls in a sock and tie the end. 

    • #72062
      Avatar[email protected]

      Thanks for all the replies!  I just ordered 3 lacrosse balls from an online store.  It´ll take about a week for them to get here, and in the meantime I´ll go ahead and use tennisballs.  


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