The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee Knee popped during hip external rotation/flexion mobilization – really painful!

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    • #70449
      AvatarElijah Goodman

      I was doing the hip external rotation/flexion mobilization on a small bench with my foot and knee not on the bench (like this and when I dropped down my knee popped real loud and it felt as if my femur moved downwards a few millimeters (in the direction my finger is pointing).

      A day later it hurts on every movement, especially when extending the knee with a bit of resistance and when I push my foot inward (just like the mobilization). 

      This spot is painful to the touch and hurts most. Also the back (more on the distal side) of my knee hurts. 

      My biceps femoris, gastrocnemius and itband/tfl have tightened up a lot. 

      I have a doctors appointment on thursday and have my knee compressed and elevated, but I’d like to know what this could be. 
    • #72748
      AvatarMATT MAYRAND

      This happened to me as well….


      What was the doc diagnosis?

      I have RICE and taking anti inflame, k Taped  and rested… its easing up however still very careful and conscious

    • #72771
      AvatarElijah Goodman

      I got an mri scan done and there was nothing unusual except a pulled popliteus and a bit of swelling. I have another appointment on Wednesday and there we will discuss the mri scan and I guess I’ll get physical therapy prescribed. 

    • #72800
      AvatarMATT MAYRAND

      Hope all went well….. are you still experiencing pain?

    • #72905
      AvatarElijah Goodman

      hey, unfortunately i still feel pain when i have lateral pressure on my lower leg with a flexed knee. i can squat without any problems but i cant sit on my couch with my right foot under me left leg 🙁 doctor just said i should rest

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