Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee Knee pain around knee cap

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    • #164202
      AvatarMatt Brahim

      Hi, I am having knee pain in my left knee. When I am on my back doing hamstring lockouts and I have my right leg up and I move my left leg out I feel a pain in the front/outside of my knee. Also, when I am doing pigeon with my right leg in front of me and my left leg back at 90 degrees I can feel pain in the same area. I constantly do soft tissue work on my calves, quads and hamstrings. Any thoughts on the reason and how to fix it? Thanks

    • #164766
      Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

      Have you voodoo flossed your knee?
      Friday, May 26th, 2017 – Voodoo Knees
      Sunday, March 5th, 2017 – Voodoo Knees
      If you go to the pain section for front of the knee there is one there Knee Voodoo

    • #164847
      AvatarMatt Brahim

      Hi Kaitlin,

      No I haven’t tried voodoo flossing yet. I’ve been meaning to try it but still don’t fully understand how the voodoo flossing works. I know it compresses the area and then theres a big rush of blood back into the area but how would that help my knee?

    • #166437
      Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

      Go to the pain section of Virtual Mobility Coach
      Go to Front of Knee scroll down past the Mobility RX to the Advanced Pain Techniques
      Voodoo Flossing Explained
      Voodoo Flossing can be used to restore movement, restore how tissues slide and glide, and improvements in range of motion. Impacting the areas above and below the knee can help improve what is experienced.
      There is a lot more explained in the video.

      A couple others to check out
      Pro Episode # 39 – Voodoo Floss Primer: The Knee
      Pro Episode # 32 – VooDoo Floss Series #1, Theory and Elbow

      Those help to have a better understanding of it?

    • #166962
      AvatarMatt Brahim

      Yeah that did help. Thank you

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