The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee Knee Brace for medial meniscus tear & arthritis?

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    • #70803
      AvatarPreston Pavlica

      I just received MRI results and found that I have a left knee medial meniscal tear and severe arthritis at a Grade 3 (Grade 4 is considered bone on bone). This is also the same knee where I had ACL reconstruction about 15 years ago.  I haven’t had problems with this knee in years and this all came about after skiing two weekends ago for the first time in 2 years and by 7pm I was unable to bear any weight my pain level was at an 8 out of 10.  The next morning I woke up and was fine.  My doc explained that the tear most likely folded on itself/caught an edge and mixed with the arthritis it sent me to the hospital.

      I am an avid cross fitter and want to continue skiing.  The doc says that I have to let pain be my guide. Right now I feel totally fine but he says the tear can fold on itself at anytime and send me back to the original pain that put me in the ER or it can be caused by my arthritis.  He agrees that surgery should be our last resort.
      Now, I’m a little nervous and with this weakness I wanted to know if there is anything that you recommend beyond PT that can help me support my knee?  Is there a knee brace that you endorse for these symptoms that can provide lateral support,etc especially for skiing?  Any other remedy or procedure that you recommend?
      Thanks so much for any insight!
    • #74220
      AvatarERIC HOPKINS

      seek platelet rich plasma/stem cell treatments as a possibility. it may help provide some pain relief.

    • #74221
      AvatarSimon Garland

      Hi Molly,
      I feel for you. I had the same thing and skiied for years. I used a Lennox-Hill brace that unloaded the medial side of the joint.They worked well for many years. I have had other braces that never fit or worked quite as well. I am a physical therapist and have a ton of patients with this problem. You can try bracing but remember that they can limit knee motion and increase torque at ther knee.This may or may not be good for your knee. Good luck!


    • #74227
      AvatarPreston Pavlica

      Thanks so much for the suggestions.  Very much appreciated!

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