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    • #70298
      AvatarMatthew CastleMan

      Hello. Discovered Kelly on a few different podcasts and went ahead and joined mob/pro. 

      I’d like to know where to start with this huge amount of information on the site. Is there a quick-start ( that I’ve missed? ) that can help me establish a best practices for mobility, crossfit specifically- moving forward? 

      I’m not currently involved in a serious fitness routine, but plan on joining Invictus crossfit here in San Diego next month. 
      I’m a 50 yr old male, not terribly out of shape by regular guy standards, but certainly not anywhere near crossfit shape. I’ve got 4 days a week I can devote, and I’d like to go into the crossfit experience (new to it) with as many good habits already established as possible, and would love to avoid injury’s. 
      Any advice appreciated on Gear to buy, tests to have done (blood panel etc.) whether or not I should go for a consult ( and where to do that in San Diego?) 
      thanks much. 
      craig z 
    • #72269

      A good way to start is going back to episode one.
      Episode 01: The First of Many Beat Downs this way you will see the first time a concept, piece of equipment or something is introduced you will get the background to build upon moving forward.
      Start by purchasing a blue and green band and 3 lacrosse balls, a single and 2 to tape together.
      It is talked about here Episode 03: New Concept, and Homework….  in later episodes other items are introduced that you may choose or not choose to purchase.
      For blood work I would contact Wellness Fx
      I believe they have locations in SD to complete the blood draw.
      They have different packages to choose from based on how much you want to know.
      You’ll get great information and solid resources. It is a great program.

    • #72271
      AvatarMatthew CastleMan

      Katlin, thanks so much. I made my appointment with Wellness FX and ordered the gear. Stoked. 

      I’ll report back as I get beat down. 
    • #72273
      Avatar[email protected]

      Should of ordered a black and a green band 🙂  

    • #72276

      Everyone isn’t ready for green on the upper body when they are first starting out.
      I’ve had several athletes start with blue as is the recommendation when starting out.
      Green was too much resistance.

      Great to hear you made an appointment with Wellness Fx.
      You’ll get alot of very useful information and a plan where needed.

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