The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General I like the new Daily RX Scroll Bar in My Account

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    • #70411
      AvatarAdam Anderson

      Just sayin thats a sweet feature now make it editable. 

    • #72617

      You can add any episode to your favorites list.
      Your favorites is your editable list of episodes.
      To access your favorites list:
      Click on My Account on the upper top right when you are logged in.
      The favorites list is under the daily rx
      To add an episode to your favorites list click on add to favorites on the lower right sides of the entry.
      Click on the words to add it.

    • #72642
      AvatarAdam Anderson

      Roger Roger

    • #72643
      Avatar[email protected]

      Dear MobilityWOD team,

      I wish that it would play the daily RX scroll bar through on a loop.  certain RX’s take a good chunk of time and i’d like to go over my goat RX’s (I have a bunch)
    • #72644

      The scroll bar is only able to hold a certain number of episodes so it has the most recent episodes.
      You can add any of the daily rx any episodes for that matter (your goat ones) to your favorites list and they are all in one place.
      Granted its not a scroll bar, but it is essentially the same thing as it shows the episodes that you add to it. A greatest hits is another way of looking at it.
      All of the Daily Rx are available from the Daily Rx tab under episodes.

    • #72645
      Avatar[email protected]

      Right, it would cool if they could play continuously one after another.  Because many times I am contracting and relaxing far away and 5 mins in and the daily RX is over.  I’d like to have something else on while I am in the movement.

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