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    • #71233
      AvatarJames Taylor

      HEY !

      I need help and advice to recover from a stress fracture in the hip bone.
      I contracted it two months ago, and I was given the diagnosis of my MRI since just two weeks.
      I’m Trail Runner and I also practice some Crossfit WOD / week.
      I can just practice some cycling works on my home trainer and COMPEX program.
      Is that a good thing ?

      How can I use mobility for my injury ? Is that a good idea ??
      Have you any advice for me ??

      Thanks a lot for help !

      ( I’m French, sorry for any spelling mistakes ! ^^)

      Pierre 🙂
    • #75651

      Did you receive recommendations from your practitioner?
      Pro Episode #10 – Fixing the Shoulder Positional Fault/Tweak

      What are you currently doing?
      You can work on mobility in other areas of your body.
      What areas have you identified that need attention?

    • #75709
      AvatarJames Taylor

      Hey !
      Actually I can’t run or even walk correctly because of my injury!
      Normally my doctor says 2 weeks…

      The big problem is mobility in my foot/legs.
      Ankle mobility..!!
      And specially mobility in my hips.
      A couch stretch is really hard for me ..! ^^
      And an overhead squat … Not easy !

      I really want improve my running efficiency.
      But actually that’s my stress fracture that take my attention!

      Did you think stretch/mobility in this area is good ??

      Thanks a lot for your advice !
      I see the episode #10 too ! THANKS 🙂

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