Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General How often should someone do a 10 minute squat test?

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    • #71573
      AvatarKyle Petyak


      I’m new here and wasn’t able to find anything when I did a search. I’ve watched a lot of the videos and am getting a bit confused. I know in one video Kelly says “its day 180 which means its squat test time”. Is this just from when he began MWOD or is there a page I’m missing that lays out a program/timeline of what you’re supposed to be doing so you do a squat test here and there, or should I just do the daily mwod and see the results as they come?
    • #76339

      The MWod began with the year of mobility so the first 365 episodes are numbered.
      A great way to start is watching the first 365ish episodes in order. This way you are introduced to concepts as they were first introduced to the Mobility Wod. The first 10 minute squat test is episode #1.

    • #76356
      AvatarKeith Broussard

      Your programming should be specific to you if you identify it as a significant problem shape then do it more often unless it’s causing undo pain then back-off and reassess. If shows up on on the Mobility project about every 30 days or so.

      My personal philosophy which largely comes from Kelly is this.

      Can you do the 10 min squat test yes/no?

      If yes

      Try to accumulate 10 min in the squat on a daily basis. Just find a reason to squat deep. Play with the kids, go shopping of the bottom rack at the store. Squat all the way down to pick stuff up whatever. Check in on the squat test monthly(ish) pay attention if it getting harder identify why and address those issues.

      If no

      Try to accumulate 10 min in the squat on a daily basis. Just find a
      reason to squat deep. Play with the kids, go shopping of the bottom rack
      at the store. Squat all the way down to pick stuff up whatever. Work on 1 thing to improve the position daily (IE joint mechanics, sliding surfaces, muscle dynamics.) Hit the test a minimum of once a week.

      Frankly you can do the test itself daily if you want to you’re unloaded its not a big deal. Keep it up until you you are either normal” or it’s no longer making change. This option is not likely to be presented by most mobility geeks because its a high expectation that will have little compliance. Put simply its a good idea but almost no one will do it.

      If your squat is non existent then spend time in that shape. Either do one side at a time ie super hip sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBHzXF-mVjY

      Find a supported version of the position (starting at about 2:10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j8GIxCAcMY

      for other variations here are some of my other applications to improve the shape.

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