The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General How often/long when the whole body is the problem

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    • #70376
      Avatar[email protected]


      I’m pretty tight und have problems especially with my shoulder (lying down, arms overhead won’t reach the ground, and it’s not even close) but also hip/ankles aren’t great (incl. knee pain). I grew fast to 6″6 and work all day at a desk, both probably not helping too much.
      So, for the next 4-6 weeks I have a lot of free time. In this period I really want to tackle my problems. I found good exercises in the leopard book but I’m wondering now how often a day should I do those and for how long. Would you rather do a 45-60 minutes session for the whole body in the morning and afternoon or maybe upper body morning, lower one in the evening? Meaning my question: how much actually helps and isn’t counter productive?
      Thanks for all your help!
    • #72522

      You shouldn’t work on your whole body all at once.
      You need to identify where you will see the biggest differences and work on those things first.
      There are no days off with mobility work.
      Where you say you are pretty tight doing multiple shorter session is the more effective way to start.
      Re establishing the correct position and giving your muscles/tissue/joint the positioning the trigger or simulation of the correct position more the longer you will be able to hold the correct position.
      You are unlearning your current positioning and relearning a changed position. It can take a little time for the new position to be the default positioning. Just as with changing technique for a skill reinforcing the trigger is an important aspect.
      Pick 1 or 2 things to focus on in the morning and pick 1 or 2 things to focus on in the afternoon.
      You want to see change with what you are working with.

    • #72574
      Avatar[email protected]

      Hello Kaitlin,

      thank you for your answer. I started with my shoulder / overhead position, as it’s my worst area.
      I watched all the mwod pro videos on this topic (the 1-3min long ones) and identified all areas I need to work on.
      Rib Mobilization
      Lateral Seam
      Posterior shoulder
      Anterior compartment
      I tried 8-10 exercises and every single one definitely helped. I’m doing all those exercises in 3 sessions (15 minutes) every day. Even though every exercise helps with my shoulder issue, if I understood you correctly, I should rather pick 2-3 exercises and do those multiple times a day for maybe a week or so and then move on to the next set of exercises? 
      Thank you for your help!
    • #72577

      Good to see you are identifying the areas that need work.
      Also do a search on the regular episodes.
      These are solid.
      All of the episodes may hit areas that need some attention, but it is best to keep a session to 2-3 items.
      We are looking for quality time spent which will bring lasting improvements. Revisit the mobilization until you stop seeing change.
      Grooving new/changed movement & positional patterns takes some repetition for the stimulus to stick and become just the way that you move. It is the same with learning or correcting form with any skill. Creating a more solid foundation to build upon will prove beneficial and you will see the transfer with other skills/elements.
      As you clean up sections you may find that other things are finding better positions and working things out with the other positional changes.
      Keep working with it.

    • #72587
      Avatar[email protected]

      Makes sense. Thank you!

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