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    • #71866
      AvatarWarren Donkers

      I’m new to mobility wod, and was wondering how much is too much? Can I work on certain body parts everyday, or is it best to spread it out? For example, I feel the need to work on my hips everyday due to my desk job. Any advice would be much appreciated. 

    • #77155
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Welcome Samantha
      You may need to work on your hips everyday due to your desk job. If something needs attention do it. As you are consistent with working on it things can move to more maintenance based. Undoing the impact from the day. Check out Deskbound as well.

    • #77168
      AvatarTom Matchinsky

      Limit yourself to 10-15 minutes of focused work daily. The best way to handle the hips/desk conundrum is to find more time to not be sedentary. Remember, standing there is still sedentary so you have to find times in your day to prioritize good old fashioned moving around.

      MWOD Staff
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