The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting How do you program your workouts while missing key ranges of motion?

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    • #70600
      AvatarElyse Waters


      This is something I’ve been pondering about for a while: How do you program your workouts while missing key ranges of motion? I’m guessing only working on mobility is a bad idea, so what should I do? Should I do box squats instead of regular squats; because I can’t even get to parallel without loosing form. A year and a half ago I tore some muscle fibers high up in my hammy, and though I’m working on restoring motion, I probably shouldn’t do heavy deadlifts. And to put the icing on the cake, I have weak rotator cuffs (especially supraspinatus) so my shoulder stability is poor (working on that too).
      How should I program my workouts? Right now it doesn’t even feel like I’m working out…
    • #73252
      Avatar[email protected]

      I think you pretty much answered the question yourself.

      If missing ROM in Squat, I’d say box squats would be pretty good for you. If you feel your hammy isn’t what it used to be, then do some lighter DL or Straight-legged DL with one leg or so to make sure you strengthen both sides equally.
      Weak rotator cuffs? Then do some external rotation exercises and start working on your pressing etc. Keep focus on light weights and work on your form and I guess everything will solve itself.

      That’s at least what I would do, not saying its right or anything, but thats what I would try to do with your problems.

      Regarding squatting, try to do the 10min paleochair every now and then. I should probably do it more often my self, but its so hard to sit there for 10 min..

      Good luck.

    • #73253
      AvatarTravis Wyant

      Similar advice here my friend.

      I have limited range for full squats.

      In my work outs I’m using as heavy a weight as possible where I can keep form for as long as possible.

      My ‘tunnel’ for the squats especially, is shorter than it should be as I can’t attain the stable bottom position. So I work within my tunnel, and come back up once I know my form will break if I descend any lower, then when working on mobility I try to extend the tunnel, but this is going to take time and patience.

      I would apply that to all your movements – work in range, with as heavy a weight as possible that will allow you to keep that range, and progressively overload from there. That weight could be additional, it could be simply body weight, or it could be assisted body weight. Whatever works. Be careful though, it’s trial and error to find out what weights are your work out weights, start light and build, and stop once it begins to feel like too much. Trust your body and the inherent wisdom it has.

      stay persistent.

    • #73254
      AvatarElyse Waters

      Thanks, both of you, for your input. I guess I knew the answer, it’s just been so hard to keep my motivation up. Lack of strength isn’t the biggest demotivating factor, it’s the inability to perform the movements.

      In my current program I have (not everything is performed each workout):
      Hip Thrust/Glute bridge variations
      Box Squat
      Light deadlift
      Push ups or bench press
      Plank variations
      Row variations or chins
      High hammy rehab exercises
      Shoulder (rehab) stability exercises.
    • #73258

      Are you keeping track of the improvements you are making?
      This is a key factor in keeping motivated.
      This shows you what you are accomplishing and that you are taking steps toward your goals.
      There are steps on the way to regaining all of the range of motion to perform an element.
      Have you set short term goals that will help with remaining motivated?

    • #73259
      AvatarElyse Waters

      Kaitlin, it’s been a while since I’ve been tracking my progress but you might be right, maybe I should start again 🙂

    • #73266

      If you would like some examples on ways you can do this send me a message with your email.

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