The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General How could a physician join your program

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    • #70372
      AvatarBrian Yanez

      I’m an almost-finished medical student getting ready to apply for residency and have been bit by this mobility/crossfit/knowledge-of-motion bug for the past 3 years. As my frustration with finding a residency program that I love has grown I have begun to imagine outside the cookie cutter options. This led me to wonder how a physician’s practice could work in concert with a program like yours at SFCF (or one like it elsewhere), possibly for those athletes needing escalation of their care eg referral, blood work, imaging, procedures, surgeries.

      My questions: 
      Do the coaches at SFCF work together with any physicians in the community? If so, what types of specialists eg sports medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, orthopedic surgeons?
      If not, do you see a role like this for the physician in the future? If so, what specialty? 

      Thank you,

      a frustrated medical student.
    • #72519

      Many gyms have physicians that their staff and members have experience with and begin a resources list with these connections. Many have members who are in the professions that you list.
      For blood work the referral is Wellness Fx.

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