The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Elbow Hot elbow nerve pain after back squat

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    • #71231
      AvatarTeric Smith

      Hey guys had a question every now and again I get hot nerve pain in my left elbow on the inside (medial) after I back squat. I was wondering if it could be cause by my shoulder rolling a little forward during my lift or if there could be another cause. I did notice after doing the barbell shoulder(anterior) smash the hotness went away a bit. If you guys and gals have any thoughts that would be great. To KStar I bought your book and I wanted to thank you it has been great for my wife and I in resolving out mobility issues keep up the great work.

    • #75643

      Are you able to squat without your shoulder rolling forward?
      Episode 57: The Hot Elbow Treatment
      Yes, Kelly’s view on icing has changed since this episode was completed.
      He would not recommend icing.
      Banish Your Elbow Bench, Dip, Pull Up Pain, You Don’t Really Play Golf or Tennis Do You?
      Pro Episode # 34 – Voodoo Floss Primer: Elbow Part 2.

    • #75644
      AvatarTeric Smith

      yes i am able to squat without my shoulders rolling forward i have noticed that it happens when i don’t take my time to set-up for the squat. 

       thanks for the videos i’ll have my wife voodoo me and see if that helps. 
      do yo have anything on stuck toe joints, stubbed my pinky toe a few months back not broken had x-rays but i dont have any control of that toe ex. can’t spread it apart from the 5th meta. like i can on my other foot. i can post pictures if it will help. 
    • #75646

      Yes, take time to set up before your squat.
      Correct positioning and movement patterning allows you to realize more of your potential.
      Have you had someone pull on it to make sure its not jammed?
      Same as you would do on your finger.
      Have you done any foot mobility?
      Put a ball (YTU or something softer than a lacrosse ball) at the bottom of your toes take your opposite heel push on the top of your foot from med foot through your toes.

    • #75667
      AvatarTeric Smith

      hi Kaitlin just squatted today and started to feel a little hot in the elbow again i guess i am having a hard time keeping my shoulder from rounding forward during my last sets is there anything you can suggest whether it be mobility and or exercise that might help would be a great help.

    • #75668
      AvatarTeric Smith

      dont know if this might help but i also feel pain under my armpit right at the 90 degree angel of trunk and arm out to the side not sure what muscle that is not sure if its my lat as they dont feel tight its more so right under the joint. 

    • #75672

      You are reaching the limit of your positioning.
      How is your sub scap mobility?
      Email me [email protected] and I’ll send you some things to work on with pictures included.
      Here are a couple to get started with
      The 500th Video; Great Sub-Scap Shoulder Smash Drill
      Episode 17: Shoulders and The Back Squat “Rack”. And Darth

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