The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hip mobility – identifying the problem

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    • #71623
      AvatarTy Roselli

      Hi all

      I am working to identify the specific root of my hip mobility problems.

      My hip external rotation is about 30 degrees while my hip internal rotation is zero degrees. Yep zero!

      If I sit on the floor crosslegged (yoga style) my knees are high above the floor. However if I stand straight and raise my knee up to my chest it does go past horizontal (120 degrees).

      In the Bodyweight squat I can reach parallel but my feet must turn outward and my upper body leans very far forward.

      Has anyone had similar problems? or is it obvious to anyone how the hip is impinged (front or back) of hip? Or what mwods I should focus on?

      Any thoughts appreciated

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