Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Hip/Hamstring flexibility

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    • #71705
      AvatarSteph Song

      What are some of the best ways to become more flexibly for hamstrings and hips ? I am trying to become more limber rock climbing in conjunction with the powerlifting movements…..I do not have a history back injuries. What does Kelly Starret recommend ? I couldn’t find anything directly about this in Supple Leopard.

    • #76660
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      There are several episodes which address the hamstring and hip.
      Some will depend on what needs to be addressed.

      What are the sliding surfaces in these areas like?
      Voodoo flossing and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization are great within these areas.
      Becoming A Supple Leopard:
      Area 10 Hamstring 403- 411
      Multiple techniques using different tools
      Becoming A Supple Leopard:
      General Squat Archetype Mobility Prescriptions 456-466

    • #76667
      AvatarSteph Song

      Thank you for your help !!!! I haven;t forgotten that you posted, thank you so much for all your advice ! IA m going to try these out !

    • #76669
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Let me know if you have other questions.
      I’d recommend going through the Episodes and the Daily MIWOD for hamstring and hip focused episodes.
      Look forward to hearing an update on how things are going.

    • #76671
      AvatarSteph Song

      Yes, I give an update, I have been vusy with finals. I am really thankful for your presence on this forum! You always seem to know what videos will help people here. 🙂

    • #76674
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Glad to help where I can
      Hope your finals are going well.
      Have a great end of your semester and holiday season.

    • #76685
      AvatarSteph Song

      I meant I was goingt o give an update when my finals were finally over thank you again so much for your help!! Are there any videos from mobility WOD you reccomend ?

    • #76686
      AvatarPatrick Thomas
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