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    • #70421
      AvatarSergio Aliaga

      So I’m planning on getting my doc to have this checked out but I figured I would check here to see what others might say.

      When laying on my back I bring my knee to my chest and then extend, hip chunks and then moves on. Both sides do this, I also feel happening if I do sit ups. The clunk happens just after the knee pass over the hip. Nothing seems to change if I’m externally or internally rotated. 
      What do you think is going on?
    • #72641
      AvatarJosh Wagner

      Tight Hip Flexor? Popping over

    • #72678
      AvatarNathan LOE

      Hey just wondered if you made any progress with this?  I have exact same issue on my right side (have done for years).

      I’ve never been able to pinpoint exactly where but I assumed it was muscles crossing over (think that’s what Mark McKenna was saying?).  
      Anyone have any thoughts on the best way to attack this?  
    • #72687
      Avatar[email protected]

      I use to get a the clunk in my right side when I walked extended my leg past my hip. I’m pretty sure Glute activation and half kneeling hip traction with the band made my clunking go away. Note face away from the anchor of the band and rock back and forth like KStar teaches. 

    • #72707
      AvatarSergio Aliaga

      Ok I’ll starting giving those a try. Thanks for the response. I haven’t been to the doc’s yet. Going to try this week and see what they say. Sorry for the slow reply. Been busy with life and such. I’ll check back here and let you all know what they say. 

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