The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hip abduction coupled with internal rotation and flexion cracking, popping

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    • #71159
      AvatarCara Yost

      It feels restricting and a relief when it cracks. But I’m not sure if its good for me? I might also have hip impingement

    • #75375

      Sounds like a situation to see a practitioner.
      Especially if there are a couple things going on.
      Finding out exactly what is going on will allow a plan to improve the situation to get formed.

    • #75454
      AvatarCynthia Terrell

      Work on anterior and posterior hip capsule. And do some lateral hip distractions as well. Plus the position you describes is not a functional position so you should be spending a lot of time in the position. Mobilize the capsule and clear full range of motion and that should decrease that.

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