The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Head Cushion- solution to correct forward head position?

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    • #71228
      AvatarLauren Baker


         I have bad neck position, since I didn’t pay attention for years, and I basically sit in front of the computer 12hrs/day, or even more.

      I came across a website that is about restoring posture. So this woman(physical therapist) sells head cushions filled with some stuff, 6.5″ in diameter and 21 ounces , and says if you put on the top of ur head it activates the muscles of the neck and back and was the primary way to carry stuff thousands of year ago, and nowdays still is in little tribes. I made a custom one just to try out, I filled a small textile bag with lentils (400g) and using this now. And it works good! Its like a reminder to keep my head in a good position. And actually feels good. I mix it up, like sitting 20 mins with it, 20 mins without it, with time I will increase the amount of lentils in it, up to 600g, and will wear it more, if it make sense biomechanically.

      What you guys think about it? Isnt it a bad method? Anyone used it?

      Thank you,


      PS: I work at home, so obv wont walking around with it in front of ppl!

    • #75629
      AvatarNathan Richer

      I assume that was Gokhale Method? 

      yes balancing a bean bag (or any kind of cushion) on your head all day long forces you to have good posture to do it. you do it any other way and the cushion will fall off, or you will get tired from holding your head that way, or both.
      Good stuff!
    • #75630
      AvatarLauren Baker

      Hi David,

      yes, it was Gokhale method.

      Thank you!

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